With the cost of heating your house ever
increasing, there has never been a better time to save energy.
PilkingtonenergiKare™ can
help you do just that. The energy efficient glazing system
allows more of the sun’s energy in through the window, whilst
allowing less of the heat from inside your home to escape. The
result is windows that are more than twice as energy efficient
as standard double glazing, and if upgrading from single
glazing, PilkingtonenergiKare™ can
reduce the amount of energy lost by up to 90%. Which means you
can save money and help the environment at the same time.

What is Pilkington
energiKare™? |
It is the new energy efficient
double glazing unit from Pilkington. When
installed in good window frames it helps to
achieve the requirements of the Energy Saving
Trust hence gain Energy Saving Recommended
status as an energy efficient product.
The status comes from the 'Window
Energy Rating' scheme
which has been introduced by the Government. |
This scheme uses a label similar to those you
will have seen on fridges and washing machines,
coding on a scale from A to G with A being the
most energy efficient.
The system we use combined with Pilkington energiKare™achieves
the highest possible rating.

These images below show you just how effective
Pilkington energiKare™ is
at reducing heat loss through your windows. The windows
in the extension are fitted with Pilkington energiKare™,
and the green/blue colour shows they’re losing very
little heat. Compare that with the red colour of the
original single glazed kitchen window, and you can see
the difference.
To discover
just how much you can save upgrading to our A
rated windows, please click on the Pilkington
online calculator for an estimated saving over a
20 year period: |
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